Saturday, August 9, 2008


Han Bennink in a solo for the ICP reunion in 2003 - photo by Paul van Riel

Han Bennink (drums), Willem Breuker (wood & sax) and Misha Mengelberg (piano) were among the world famous free & avant-garde jazz artists in the Netherlands in the 1970's and 1980's. They founded and played together in the [1967-1973] Instant Composers Pool (ICP). I was very lucky to witness some of their live performances.

There are a lot of nice tubes with Han Bennink. Here are some clips from the Sting JazzKlubb.
Han Bennink at The Sting JazzKlubb - part1/3
Han Bennink at The Sting JazzKlubb - part2/3
Han Bennink at The Sting JazzKlubb - part3/3

And recently I found a complete 3-track album of Han; and that is pretty rare for his type of music. This is again top-notch Dutch culty culture. All credits go to the original uploader.
1. Bumble Rumble [8MB./4:20min.]
2. Spooky Drums [40MB./26:00min.]
3. Nerve Beats [27MB./16:30min.]


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