Friday, July 3, 2009

And Then

Robert Duvall as Lieutenant Colonel Bill Kilgore; 'I love the smell of napalm in the morning'

(Sorry, Dutch again). How do you blog a radio show. By telling a lot about the crazy content. Radio Bergeijk was a very raunchy local radio show here in Holland a few years ago. But they were so culty great over-the-top pastiche.

In this 2003 episode reporter Peer van Iersel is dreaming his 'Mother of all Dreams'. He is in a helicopter with Joseph Von Hünstedt, a retired ambassador with a fat German accent who fell in love with Tinie Houken. He has the exact speak of our former Prins Bernhard.
Tinie is doing welfare work in Africa, married to Ngwanga, a tribal boss in Gambia. Can you still follow me?

Peer (embedded reporter) and Joseph have collected some napalm and agent-orange and now come to 'liberate' Tinie from the Gambian bush.

This show is a pretty exact copy of the 'I love the smell of napalm in the morning' scene with the same Wagnerian music. And with the German accents it is absolutely their best crazy great show. It is about 15:00 min. in 10 MB. The story starts around 04:00 min.


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