Thursday, July 2, 2009


Marcello Giombini (1928 - 2003)

How do you make a blog about Italian Movie Music. First, you start with Ennio Morricone's OST from 'C'era Una Volta Il West'. Defining and iconic Italian Movie Music. It made film music into an art of its own. Ennio did many more great film musics; it was basically his job and he was best.

Then you research history and check the Italian movies from the 1960's until the 1980's and you find some names. Italian film production was high in those days and some composers were specializing in this type of. Some OST music just gives you the shivers, because you know the movie and the story. Director Rugero Deodato was arrested for this movie and Riz Ortolani did the music for 'Cannibal Holocaust'.

Marcello Giombini (1928 - 2003) is another name that pops up very regurlaly. He did the music for very many Italio Sleazers and Spaghetti Westerns in the 1960's. I don't have an empeethree or an OST from Marcello. But when you search this blog for 'Lee Van Cleef' movies, you can hear his sounds, promise.


1 comment:

Nephew said...

You are forgetting
"Gianna Nannini" and "Laura Pausini"