Saturday, January 30, 2010


Hurray, the Swedes have arrived [1978]

Germany (before and after the war) is a country with some cultural contrasts. Besides Heinrich Heine, Reiner Maria Rilke, Georg Friedrich Hegel, Reiner Werner Fassbinder, Ludwig van Beethoven, Lenie Riefenstahl u.v.a. they grew Oswald Kolle, Hermann Hess, Tiroler Höschen, Schulmädchen Reports and ... this movie.

The rating is a bit too high for my worst-ever collection. Viewing it now for the third time [NOT] it is actually a clever made movie.

I could not resist to put this on my blog. The credits really go to the extensive production efforts [I'm serious] of this bad, bad, very great movie [serious too].

It's so bad that it's (almost) great. You have to be carefull with this label but the intro is a culty piece of art on its own.

Did you noticed the names; they look pretty fancy. Cult all over.

Never mind the full movie. The 3:00 min. 30 MB. intro says it all.
And a subtitle file is included.


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