Astronaut Robert L. Stewart - photo by NASAThere ar a few le
gendary mo
vies where re
al pe
ople are not pla
ying the ma
jor ro
les. I can't even re
mber the main ch
Vanishing Point (dr
iver = Ko
walski) was one of those mo
vies with the 19
71 Do
dge Ch
nger RT - and that popped up again in Tarantino's Death Proof.
The HA
L 90
00 co
mputer (vo
ice = Do
uglas Ra
in) is the ma
in ch
cter in this
great 40yo. movie -
(director = Stanley Kubrick)Please remind me that I have to blog
some more movies of St
ey Ku
When the world is ruled by ap
es, one particular group discovers a mysterious rectangular monolith near their home, which imparts upon them the knowledge of tool use, and enables them to evolve into men. In the year 20
01, a similar monolith is discovered on the mo
on, and is determined to have come from an area near Ju
piter. As
tronaut Da
vid Bo
wman, along with four companions, sets off for Ju
piter on a sp
eship controlled by HA
L 90
00, a re
volutionary co
ter system that is every bit ma
nkind's equal, and perhaps his su
perior. When HA
L end
angers the crew's lives for the sake of the mis
sion, Bo
wman will have to first overcome the co
mputer, then tra
vel to the bir
thplace of the monolith, where whatever alien intelligence controls them decides that humanity is ready to take the next evolutionary step.
The mo
vie co
mes in abo
ut 7x100MB. pa
All the credits go to the original poster
2001 - A Space Odyssey - part1.rar2001 - A Space Odyssey - part2.rar2001 - A Space Odyssey - part3.rar2001 - A Space Odyssey - part4.rar2001 - A Space Odyssey - part5.rar2001 - A Space Odyssey - part6.rar2001 - A Space Odyssey - part7.rarEnjoy