Friday, June 27, 2008


Francesca Ciardi as Faye Daniels: You're wasting film! What are you going to do with this, make a porn movie?

There are only a few original soundtracks (OST's) of movies that are worth wild to have on your hard drive.

Once Upon A Time in The West is my all time favorite - the movie and Ennio Morricone's music are legendary.
- the imdb link
- the cover
- the man with the harmonica
- the album

The same goes for the Cannibal Holocaust movie. Riz Ortolani made the music for this [and many other] Über-Kult movie. Some of Riz' music was used by Quinten Tarantino's Kill Bill movies.
- the imdb link
- the cover
- the main theme
- the album


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