Saturday, August 1, 2009


Cynthia Witthoft is a bi/lesbian culty icon, she shocks and rocks

Cynthia is a phenomenon, but very unlike Sandra. She is a musical rocky multi talented guitar playing bi/lesbian, born in Poland, raised in Finland. She has no wiki and she has no site. But her 20 year discocraphy is already 50 entries long. She played the blues with Tom Waits in 2006. And she does extreme necro metal too. Cynthia is playing hard-to-get. When you take a look at these 140+ album art pictures, you can't pin her down.

Three tubes;
- tube-1
- tube-2
- tube-3

Three songs;
- [2003] Brazilian Demon Posession
- [2006] Misery with Tom Waits in Haarlem?
- [2009] Freak Woman, acoustic


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