Thursday, July 31, 2008


cover from Eli Roth's Hostel-II movie

On the right side of this blog you can find some movie links to the sleaze and splatter department. Most of this genre is pretty entertaining and some are really sick.

This brought some law enforcement agencies to the question 'do snuff movies exist?'. The answer was 'no, maybe' and they needed almost 50:00min. to explain. The nice thing about this documentary is that you see (besides the FBI officer) some of the famous directors and scenes.

The documentary comes in about 4x98MB. files
Do Snuff Movies Exist? - file.001
Do Snuff Movies Exist? - file.002
Do Snuff Movies Exist? - file.003
Do Snuff Movies Exist? - file.004

[search for 'Hotel' to get to both of Eli's movies]


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