Saturday, November 29, 2008


Did I ever blogged this movie before? I don't think so, because it's so over the top gory that I hardly dared to watch it myself. This was a sleeper for some years on my hard disk until I remembered my one night stand with this blond Danish taxidermist - you bet I had mixed feelings, because I saw this film before the stand.

Taxidermy (Greek for "skin arrangement") is the art of mounting or reproducing animals for display (e.g. as hunting trophies) or for other sources of study. Taxidermy can be done on all species of animals including humans - and that's just what's happening in this movie.

This outtake is from Joe d'Amato's 1979 movie 'Beyond the Darkness'. The story is about a taxidermist who just lost his young wife. He digs her up, fresh from the grave, and tries to preserve her. His taxi skills are then spelled out in a long and gory scene. I warned you before - Joe d'Amato is a Sultan of Sleaze - but he is no fool. In this movie the female housekeeper is the accomplice and the poor young witness is delt with in an appropriate way.

The clip is about 33:00min. and comes in 4x80MB. parts


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