Tuesday, November 4, 2008


The Beijing CCTV building [2004-2009]

Some modern Dutch stuff about architecture. I urgently needed to make this blog, because I keep forgetting his name. Rem Koolhaas is a well known Dutch architect. His Rotterdam based OMA bureau did some prestigious projects. I'm sure you can Wiki/Google more about this guy when you like this stuff.

I just want to mention his CCTV project (Chinese State Television) because it got some exposure during the Bejing Olympics. The story goes that (viewed from a certain angle) the building looks like a Chinese character. INTELLECTUAL-ALERT; Rem also wrote books and articles in many magazines.

This is what the Chinese jury said about the design;
"The jury considered the final architectural design for the new CCTV site neither humble nor pert, showing a striking style of its own while bearing no marks of exclusiveness. As a graceful and sturdy sculpture-style edifice, the planned new CCTV building can not only represent the new image of Beijing, but also express, in the language of architecture, the importance and the cultural nature of the TV industry. The novelty and feasibility of the structural design will surely push forward the innovation of structural systems and theories of China’s high-rise buildings. The jury believed that the implementation of the design will not only help establish the symbolic image of CCTV, but also turn over a new leaf in the annals of Chinese architecture."


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