Friday, March 28, 2008


Genealogy of Metal

Children of Bodom is a melodic death metal (melodeath) band from Finland [LMFAO]. Their name was derived from the infamous 1960 Lake Bodom murders. Never mind the qualifications; their sound is among the best in the death business.
- their official website
- their Lake Bodom song
- their Silent Scream song
- their Downfall clip from the Tube
- their album Follow The Reaper [42 MB.]



Anonymous said...

This is a silly tree. There's some good stuff in it but it's mostly crap. I'll only list the most glaring errors: Cream was not even close to metal, AC/DC is missing (who comes closer to inventing metal? don't say Black Sabbath unless you want to look like a dumbass). Cradle of Filth is not from Norway. Children of Bodom sucks ass. I better stop before I get angery.

Anonymous said...

COB doesnt suck ass, ... you do.