Friday, October 9, 2009


the nude bicycle race

(Sorry, Dutch again). De Helaasheid der Dingen translates somewhere into The Shittiness of Things. It’s a Belgian (Oscar nominated) movie about an alcoholic and defunct family in a small village. A 13 yo. boy is educated by grandma and a bunch of ‘uncles’. The movie is from an auto-bio novel. The young boy is/will be the writer later. This is both a hard and funny movie. It grabbed me by the balls from the beginning. Those are the best movies.

I only saw the trailer and read the critics and interviews but that was enough to recommend this movie. The ‘Pretty Woman’ from Roy Orbison sounds like Quentin Tarantino. I hope he is in the jury.

I almost forgot the Dutch motto of this film;
"God schiep de dag, en wij slepen er ons doorheen"

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