Friday, December 21, 2012

Practical Joke

Picture from the 2009 movie "2012" by Roland Emmerich.

True story. I lost my internet connection this morning. It's December, 21st 2012. That must be a sign from The Mayan Gods. As an internet addict, this really feels like The-End-Of-The-World. Maybe I should make a sacrifice to The Gods. I seriously considered ripping out the harts of my cats. They were lucky, they were outdoors. Instead I watched the "2012" movie on my local disk. That looked appropriate considering the circumstances.

This is a two-and-a-half hour epic story about American and Russian survivors struggling to reach a safe haven in China. In the (happy) end they touch down on "Cape-of-Good-Hope" in South Africa. It's an emotional roller-coaster with some black humor and silly moments.

  • The trailer is here.
  • The movie is here.

I lit a candle and did some focused praying. Just in case. Around 12:21 (local time) my internet connection was restored. Hallelujah! Coincidence? I actually think this was a practical joke from my ISP.
I like this type of jokes. Enjoy the movie.

= = = End of Post = = =

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