Thursday, November 22, 2012

Moped [3]

My new Dell'Orto carburettor.

Laat ik dat nu zo leuk vinden, dat ik best wel heel veel weet van brommers en opvoeren. Alle kennis van 40 jaar geleden komt weer boven. Mijn Tomos is ook heel simpel. Geen electrische starter of zo. Ik heb er wel teveel voor betaald. Op Marktplaats vindt je ze goedkoper. Maar ik kon haar dan wel direct afhalen in Amsterdam. Met 300+ pagina's aan handboeken en 30+ brommer-links kom je een heel eind.

Over voorpret moet ik zwijgen. Dat is zo mogelijk nog leuker dan de échte pret. Ik heb besloten om verliefd te worden op mijn Tomos en ik ga haar goed verzorgen. Lekker opvoeren en met 70-80 door Amsterdam crossen. 60 is ook goed. De tandwielen en de ketting moeten ook nog ooit vervangen worden. Zelfde of iets lagere gearing, zodat ik sneller weg ben bij het stoplicht. Daar is het ten slotte allemaal om te doen in Amsterdam. Ik heb al eens bij het stoplicht gestaan naast een dikke motor. "Hoe hard loopt ze?" Kweenie, standaard". Nou, daar gaan we nu dus wat aan doen.

Voor het aanzien ga ik ook nog wat doen. Cosmetica is natuurlijk ook heel erg leuk maar niet essentieel. In Fase-II ga ik er wat meer aan doen. De plastic kapjes liggen er nu allemaal af. Die worden opnieuw geschuurd, gegrond en gespoten. Zwart natuurlijk. Een Tomos (of een Puch) heeft ook een hoger stuur nodig. Zelfs mijn kanarie-gele Jamathi had ook een hoog puch-stuur. Over Pleiners en Dijkers gesproken.

Ergens moet het stoppen. Hoe lang moet ik nog doorgaan met dremelen? Ik bedoel, met een slijptolletje de poorten uitruimen. Je kunt niet veel materiaal weghalen, alleen maar de scherpe randjes eraf halen en verder glad maken. Ik heb vandaag weer een uurtje of wat zitten slijpen. Inlaatpoort, uitlaatpoort, uitlaatbocht, spruitstuk. Misschien ga ik nog een paar uurtjes slijpen tot in het weekend. Alle belangrijke onderdelen zijn nu wel goed. Ik heb net gemerkt dat zo'n mini-staal-borsteltje op je dremel de hele boel goed glad kan krijgen.

Laatst nieuwe onderdelen gekocht, het oude spul in een sopje gedaan, kool en troep eruit geborsteld en de roestige moertjes vernieuwd, of die worden met WD-40 behandeld. Dat ziet er al veel beter uit. Dan wordt het nu toch wel tijd om te schuren en te polijsten. Met het mini-staal-borsteltje. Mijn plan is nog steeds, om dit jaar met mijn brommer de straat op te gaan. Een projectje van een paar maanden. Nu nog een paar weken. Moet lukken. Ik heb er alle vertrouwen in. Er staat nog een Fase-II op mijn programma. Dan haal ik de brommer opnieuw uit elkaar en maak haar 'perfect'.

Yess! De bougie ligt er nu ook uit. Zag er wel lekker lichtbruin uit. Voor de veiligheid heb ik twee extra bougies gekocht. Die kreeg ik gratis bij mijn dikke carburateur. Je moet eerst heel hard speren met je brommer en dan kijken of de bougie ree-bruin kleurt. Dan is het goed.

Gisteren een DHL zending met klep-slijp-paste afeleverd bij de buren. Grinding Paste, grof en fijn. Dat is nog een heel verhaal. Ga volgende week uitproberen. Ook een setje pijp-sleutels erbij gekocht. Ring-sleutels en steek-sleutels en schroeven-draaiers zijn een standaard onderdeel van je tool-kit, maar ik was altijd al een liefhebber van pijp-sleutels.

Atijd goed controleren. Ik ben een control-freak. Te donkere bougie is een te rijk mengsel (kleinere sproeier monteren). Te licht bougie is een te arm mengsel (grotere sproeier monteren). Bij mijn nieuwe carburateur heb ik 90-88-86-84 sproeiers. Je kunt ook nog de vlotter-naald in vijf posities verstellen. Tja, een brommertje opvoeren is een hele wetenschap. Ik snap het nu een beetje meer als 40 jaar geleden.

Lekker racen op de ringbaan rond Amsterdam. Op de benzine-vrije-zondag zijn we toen ook op onze brommers door de Coentunnel gereden. De YouTubes geven je weer rare gedachten. Probleem is echter dat de hele A10 nu vol staat met camera's. Dus op minder dan de helft ben ik opgepakt en mijn brommer kwijt. Met loeiende sirenes aan de kant gezet.

Briljante vondst. Waarom heb ik daar niet eerder aan gedacht. Het brommer-project begint nu aardig op gang te komen. Ook met kou, regen en sneeuw wil ik kunnen doorwerken. Dus zet ik mijn brommer in de keuken i.p.v. op de waranda. Lekker warm en droog. De keukentafel is dan mijn werkplek. Ik eet toch altijd achter mijn PC. Flink veel oude kranten op de vloer tegen de olie. Het blok hangt er nog los onder en het carter is volgeregend. Troep en prut moet ik nog flink behandelen met Glassex en een borsteltje. Nou, dat wordt noch lachen.

Een beetje voorbarig, maar ik heb alle schroefdraad schoongemaakt met een koperen dremel-tolletje. En toen heb ik er mijn verse M6 moertjes en ringetjes opgezet. Met een vleugje vaseline, loopt nu alles heel soepel. Ik ga eerst nog een weekendje aan mijn cilinder dremelen. Dat mini staal/koper tolletje doet écht wonderen om poorten glad te krijgen. De klep-slijp-pasta laat ik even wachten.

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Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Denkend aan Holland, zie ik rivieren door oneindig laagland stromen. Actually, these are German WW-II soldiers, trying to cross a Dutch River.


Eecept for this silly Percy Shelly stuff, here are some Dutch poems.


The 'Blauw-Bil-Gorgel' still is a famous poem in Dutch literature. If I had to translate that, it would be 'Blue-Butt-Gorgeous'. It's an experimental format from Cees Buddingh. He was once declared as the most boring Dutch poet by our 'elite' witers. Especially by hot-tempered Willem Frederik Hermans. Cees is super-cool. He's a favorite of mine. Just like Simon Carmiggelt and Godfried Bomans. Cees was from the city of Dordrecht. The last place where you want to live in the Netherlands.

There is a Goeman-Borgesius-Plantsoen in Dordrecht. How do I know that. Because I had a friend on my primary school. I forgot his name. We were both bullied. We had a connection. He relocated to Dordrecht. I got his adress. I never saw him again.


Johnny van Doorn (aka Johnny the Selfkicker) was a poet-performer in the late 1960's. His 'Sun' poem is still underestimated.


Thinking of Holland. Wonderful poem. Put on music by this undergraduate.

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Tuesday, November 20, 2012


In this blog, a Strad is as much a legend as a Fender Stratocaster. You can search my blog for 'Fender' or 'Zappa' to read the Jimi Hendrix stratocaster story.

Girls, girls, gils. Musical girls. No Rihanna, Madonna, Gaga or Beyoncé. My girls are of the classical type. No misunderstanding; every poppy girl went through thousands of hours of practice ands devotion. Respect for every body.

Why does a Stradimarius or a Giardini violin sound so great? They tried to replicate it many times. Nobody ever succeeded. It was not the lacker. The story goes, that around the 1700's there was a mini ice-age. Trees grew slower then. Especially on the north side of the Italian Alps. That's where the wood came from. I like this lovely 'broodje aap' story.

I'm not sure if it was French philosopher Pierre Bourdieu who stated that reality is all imagination and imagination is all reality. A deep thought, but not very practical.

How do you get this bunch of sexy women into one blog? Well, years and years of practicing. I blogged them all before. Enjoy these lucious lady's.

You must have noticed by now my classic kink. Here's a Beethoven clip from Valentina Lisitsa Beethovens's Moonlight Serenade.

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Monday, November 19, 2012


Pink girl on a black piano.

So beautiful. The triple concert from Ludwig van Beethoven. Not played anymore nowadays, because of the awkward casting. I have a vinyl version somewhere. How do you get three world-toppers together. This is a pretty unique full concert movie
- Yo Yo Ma (cello)
- Itzhak Perlman (violin)
- Daniel Barenboim (piano, director)

He is my role model. I'm a fan of Ludwig van Beethoven. He was German. Same age as Georg Wilhelm Friedriech Hegel. Also a semi-genius. A super-great German philosopher, but completely incomprehensible. Hegel gave me a good gut-feeling for the rest of my life. Deep thoughts and great overview. I even suspect Beethoven's 9th symphony was an ode to Hegel's 'Phänomenologie des Geistes'. Nonsence, it was the German Zeitgeist.

I'ts a real difference between van Beethoven and von Beethoven. The "von" depicts (in German) that he was from noble descent. He was definitely not. Young Beethoven was a fan of Napoleon. His 'Eroica' was dedicated to him. Later on he became disappointed with in Napoleon.

There's a movie around in the cloud ('Copying Beethoven') about a young girl that's copying his scribbles for a decent publication. Grumpy, lively, deaf, old man. That's the way I want to see Ludwig (I'm terminal romantic). In this scene she is conducting the conductor on his first performance of his last symphony. Mind you, he was stone-deaf at that time. So lovely.

Totally flabbergasted when I first heard this music. Not sure how it became The European Anthem.

Yue must be aware of my Beethoven kink by now. Here is a clip from Valentina Lisitsa Beethovens's Moonlight Serenade.

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Julia Fischer.

No, this is no accident, all pictures are black-and-white in tone. That's the hallmark of this blog.

As a contrast with my previous blog, I want to introduce Julia Fisher. She is a great looking super-multi-talented woman, who plays the piano and the violin as wel with big orchestras. Here she's playing a piano-concerto of Grieg.

She also can pretty good play the violin. Multi-talented woman. Click here to see her play the Mendelssohn violin concerto.

I stated before on this blog, that classical music can be very sexy. I even suspect agents and producers to promote sexy women like Janine Jansen. She is a Dutch fiddler with raving critics, especially in the UK.

Now, that was typical Dutch. To downplay our greatest assets. The RCO (Royal Concertbuilding Orchestra) was once pronounced as The Best Orchestra In The Whole Wide World, even before the Wiener and Berliner crews. That's something to be proud of. But it got little attention here in the Netherlands. They have a long Mahler tradition with directors like van Beinum, Bernard Haitink, Ricardo Chally, and now Mariss Jansons.

Mariss can even make the Wiener sound great. He is a modest genius. That's what we like here in the Netherlands. No pompous Karajans or Haitink ego's. Brilliant Italian Ricardo Chailly did some great work with the RCO but he was definitely a cultural mismatch. I think Leonard Bernstein (RIP) would be a great director for the RCO. He also was a composer (West Side Story). As a director he was more pronounced than Mariss. I was just blown right out of my pants, when I saw Leonard Bernstein explaining Gustav Mahler to an audience of 12 yo kids.

I just got my ticket for the Concertgebouw. December 19th. Balcony, best seat, 125,= Euro. Concert of the RCO with Mariss Jansons. Third symphony of Mendelssohn. Best combination in the whole wide world.
"Remember, to shave your armpits and dress classy for this event, and don't forget some clean underwear".

The last time I visited the Concert Building was with my highschool class. About 40 years ago. They played an Opera from Mozart. I couldn't understand a word of it, but it was very impressive. Some daring highschool teachers still have a warm place in my hart.

Drifting away agian. Back to Julia. In these clips she plays the piano with The Junge Deutsche Philharmonie, (Young German Philharmonic), conductor is Matthias Pintscher. Enjoy.

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Sunday, November 18, 2012


60 yo Patricia Paay in The Dutch Playboy.

This is an old 'draft' from a few years ago that I didn't dare to publish it then. It's about Patrica Paay. A famous singer-performer and socialite here in the Netherlands. She was re-de-friended many times. I actually like her song "you are not cool" (je bent niet hip). I can connect with that.

It went ballistic (viral?) when she was the Christmas-Bunny in the Dutch Playboy in 2010. Mind you, she was 60 yo and restored every part of her body and was not ashamed of it. Respect for this this lady (kind of).

The shit hit the fan with this co-interview with Theo Maassen (a famous Dutch stand-up-comedian). He referred to his necro-friend. Gross, absurd and black humor. That's what I like. This was a defining moment in Dutch cultural history.

Sorry, this is a Dutch Treat (cheap, for free, you pay) but very funny. You can click the links to see more. Enjoy.

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Two girls and two horses on the beaches of Iceland. (c) m.c.j.puhl

I promised my brother-in-law to discuss a photo. This is one of his photo's. This is my first attempt. I weekly get a big special photo special in my newspaper with a story. Hans Aarsman is good at picking pictures and telling stories. He learned me a few things.

  • Take your time and describe what you see. He learned me to see.
  • Use your phantasy. A picture can tell a thousand words. Make up your own words.
  • Pay attention to the things you don't see. That's a part of the phantasy.

Many years ago I first rode on a horse. First and last time. Probqably. I was lured into it by this highschool girl, who I was silently in love with. (sorry, forgot her name). She was even more shy than I was. But when she rode her horse, there was a big smile on her face.

I had (have?) a medic-girlfriend in Germany (Darmstadt) with two daughters. They all rode horses. My sis and her twin-daughters rode horses. All for educational purposes, I guess. With the two chicks on the photo, I counted nine females on horses, and no male. That's strange. Or?

A few weeks ago we went to the Amsterdamse Manege. A lovely place for business-after-hours. They have more than 50 horses. All pretty lame animals. You can take lessons there. In the middle of Amsterdam, imagine. It was simmering in my mind for months, and then we just did the visit. Maybe, maybe, I will take a horse riding lesson.

Again, I saw a lot of girls riding horses. Well, that's a positive when you are concidering lessons at The Amsterdamse Manege. I can remember John Wayne and Ivanhoe. Horses were supposed to be very masculin. Not sure if it changed with Equis movie. Girls and horses is a special topic. I'm still wondering.

Silly phantasy. The photo shows exactly the opposite of the iconic nude women on white horses on a sub-tropic island. It was actually a chilly summerday on Iceland. With some imagination you can fill in the blanks.

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Karsu [2]

Karsu Dönmez at the piano. (c)

Will you believe this coincidence? I'm now boasting. I once had an old "draft" blog about Karsu Dönmez. She is a good looking Turkisch-Dutch jazz singer-pianist. I misspelled her name as Karzu. I recently published this old blog with some You-tubes. She was 18 yo then. Now she is 22 yo and just got back from a tour in Indonesia. My today's newspaper has a full-page interview with her. They made a movie of her, shown at the IDFA (Amsterdam Documentary Film Festival).

Obvious weird, that I found this talent four years ago. She then was still playing the piano in Kilim, her father's restaurant.

What's the big deal, bro? Well, coincidence or not, but I spotted some girly talents, well before they became famous. When you dig deep into my blog you can find some examples. Search for 'Doutzen Kroes' Dutch super model and now a sound mother. My first mentioning her was also from years ago.

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Kid Story [2]

No, this was not me.

The Kid Story continues as of April 2011. Little Fred climbed a tree in my garden (Ted is my other cat). You could still hold them in one hand. I decided to get him out and climbed the tree. After a small struggle we both landed simultaneously in the schoolyard behind my garden. I had a crushed hip and Fred was taking care of me. It started to rain and I shit my pants from misery. I shouted for help and then, and then, eh, eh, along came Jones. The whole medicare locomotive came over me. This is a story in several chapters.

I was lucky. In December 2011, I just renewed my medicare-insurance. I was not insured for several years. I hadn't seen a medic for 30+ years. The last time was my student-doctor, when I caught a VD from The Redlight District. I hated medics. I still don't love them. But sometimes you need them. Or else, this tree-story could have been my chapter 11. So, Go Go Obama!

Boys and girls, all listen to Uncle Harry: CONDOMS, CONDOMS, CONDOMS. It's so embarrassing to see your medic with a VD. Not mentioning AIDS here. Nowadays they come in different sizes and tastes. Real fun. Just Google and order. Five clicks at the most. That's also what I like about Doutzen Kroes. She is a Dutch super-sexy super-model for Victoria and also an ambassador for safe-sex. Take care, have fun, God bless you.

I was a bit drunk (of course) and a bit numb. My neighbor heard me and called the ambulance. I was lying there for 20 or 30 minutes. Nice response. My neighbor took care of my kids and I was taken care of by the medics. "Can we cut your pants?". "Yes, please do." I was in agony. That was the last thing I remember before I arrived in the hospital. Later I heard that there were about 20 police officers on the spot. Probably students. Not unusual but I have seen none of them.

In the ambulance I got a lot of morphine. That made me more numb. I still can remember the first minutes in the hospital. A guy and a girl in green outfits hanging over me. Dentist lamps shining in my face. It felt like being abducted by aliens. They drilled a pin through my knee. It should carry 40 pounds of weight to pull my thigh-bone from my hip-bone. I woke up with a very friendly medic at my bed. I had some pain with coughing. I got some more morphine.

The Academic Medical Center (AMC) is a top-notch hospital in Amsterdam. I had a room for my own. Great caring. They even had a pain-department that checked my pain-levels. I could even dose my own morphine - up to a certain level. Your ego is thoroughly deconstructed when have to shit in a pan. I was bound to the bed. My kids were with my sister. They had to break some wood to get Fred out of his hiding place. The kids are very OK now.

On arrival they put me through a full MRI body scan. That's a new method instead of taking X-rays. That's the international standard for heavily wounded persons. Heavily wounded (by definition) is, that you can't walk on your own. I felt a bit bruised. Nothing serious, back home in two weeks. That was a miscalculation. It took me about a year to heal completely.

The real operation was a week later. Hospitals were my worst nightmare. But I got some very nice looking assistants at my bed to check my condition. Not good, not bad. It's an academic hospital, so sometimes you see a whole class of students at your bed. Not an unpleasant sight.

The master-surgeon was pleased with my skinny body. I'm almost underweight. I had to take my false teeth out and was driven to the operation room. Preperation was all. I can clearly remember that event. There were at least six persons there. All in their alien green uniforms. "Gas? check", "Knives? check", "Drills? check", "Towels? check", "Body-bag? check". I got a gas-mask on my face and slowly faded away.

When I woke up from the operation, there was no medic at my bed. I thought I was in the office again and called "Hello John" to a by-passer. Faint memories. Great memories. There was this big jolly Afro-guy who criss-crossed me in my bed to all the other departments.

I must think very deep. There were about six needles and tubes in my body. In the end the medics couldn't find a decent spot in by vains anymore.

  • one for the morphine
  • one for the urine
  • one for the some tasty food fluid
  • one for some vitamin fluid
  • one for the operation-wound liquids
  • one for the money
  • two for the show

My left middle-finger was broken. A free extra bonus from the fall from the tree. We only noticed it after a few days. They didn't spot it on the MRI scan. That first scan was a course scan. Later on they did two more detailed scans of my hip. The broken-bone guy was a bit jumpy (I met him later on) but the sunday-girl-crew made a great big bandage, up to my elbow. I was pissed, because I couldn't roll any cigarettes anymore.

The medics found out that I was a heavy smoker. At first I had no problems with that. But then they gave me a nicotine-plaster. I instantly urged for a cigarette. So I ripped of the nicotine-plaster. After a week or so after the operation, I asked for a wheelchair. Lying in bed all day was boring. My right leg was still lame and my condition was low. They called me "motivated". I was actually looking for a smoke. I criss-crossed (heavy breathing) through the AMC. I even did some e-mailing in the internet cafe. The AMC is really big and a little village on its own.

I must thank all my visitors. I got lots of cards and flowers and clean underwear. But most important were the cigarettes. After a few days I now could criss-crosss in my wheelchair to the smoking-spot. My sister (a frantic anti-smoker) helped me rolling a cigarette. I still had this bandage on my left hand.

A good friend brought me a four pond book about Elvis Presley. I'm a fan of early Elvis. The irony goes that he was forbidden to shake his hips on TV and I was lying there with a crushed hip. I'm not sure if he understood this black humor, but I liked it very much.

Much later I saw an X-ray of my hip. I counted 14 screws. OMG. They never told me. The medics always said that it was "pretty serious". What the f*ck means that. After three weeks in hospital, I did another two months in a re-validation-home. Bed, wheelchair, Zimmerman-frame (looprekje), crutches, walking-stick (so cool). But that's another story.

When I got back home again, after three months, my kids were still as lovely as always. My sister took good care of them. Willow (their cat) was a bit pissed by the intrusion, but in the end all was fine. My sis is now a kind of second home for my cats. I recently dropped them when I had a holiday-week. Still very joyful.

When I got back home, Fred was in the tree again. I was walking on crutches. No more tree-climbing. He sat there for three days. Then he became hungry. On an early Friday morning he came out of the tree, jumping and falling the last nine feet and running up to the food.

And they happily lived ever after.

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Saturday, November 17, 2012

Brommer [2]

Deze Tomos Funtastic lijkt sprekend op de mijne.

TOMOS staat voor "Tovarna Motornih Vozil". Het is een fabriek in Slovenie die in 1954 de licenties kreeg de Puch (Oostenrijk) na te maken. In die dagen was een Tomos een goedkope Puch. De Pleiners (Leidseplein, Amsterdam) reden op Puchs, liefst wit. De Puch stond bekend om zijn slappe frame. Maar dat was geen bezwaar. De Pleiners (jazz muziek) waren toch maar watjes in de ogen van de Dijkers (rock & roll). De Dijkers (Nieuwendijk, Amsterdam) reden op strakke Zündapps en Kreidlers of andere snelle buikschuivers.

Marten Toonder was toen al heel scherp met zijn strip;

Wat moet ik nog doen aan mijn brommer om nog dit jaar de straat op te gaan. Er is al flink wat gedaan. Maar er zijn nog wat nodige en nuttige klusjes te doen.

  • Ik heb al een grotere uitlaat en een grotere carburateur gekocht.
  • Ik heb de kop, cylinder en zuiger eraf gekregen. Dat was flink hameren.
  • Ik heb het luchtfilter wat ruimer gemaakt. Klaar.
  • Ik heb de cilindekop flink schoongemaakt. Nog even spiegelglad maken.
  • Ik heb het achterspatbord eraf gehaald. Dat was kapot en komt er niet meer op.
  • Ik heb de plastic kapjes eraf gehaald om bij te werken en te spuiten.
  • Ik heb al een busje primer gekocht bij de Praxis.
  • Ik heb ook al waterproof schuurpapier en een spuitbus met lak gekocht bij de Praxis.
  • Ik heb verse moertjes en ringetjes gekocht bij de praxis. Dat loopt erg soepel.
  • Ik heb een tapeind uit de cilinder geschroefd. Dat was nog een hele zorg.
  • Ik heb de cilinder schoongemaakt. Er zat flink kool en troep tussen de koelribben.
  • Ik heb de inlaat, uitlaat en spoelpoorten gedremeld. Je kunt ze niet veel groter maken, maar wel heel erg glad.
  • Ik heb het inlaatspruitstuk en de uitlaat ook wat gedremeld. Dat kan ook nog veel gladder.
  • Ik moet nog een verse kop- en voetpakking kopen. Beslist nodig. Vloeibare pakking is rommel.

Ik kan mijn brommer dus bijna in elkaar schroeven. De choke op mijn carburateur is nog een punt van aandacht. Die heb ik écht nodig. Daarvoor heb ik wel al een binnenkabeltje, maar nog geen buitenkabeltje en bedieding. Er is ergens een handchoke te koop voor mijn PHVA Dell'Orto carburateurs. Dat moet ik even navragen bij mijn scootshop. Ik kan eventueel ook mijn oude choke overplaatsen naar mijn nieuwe carburateur. Dat is nog flink uitzoekwerk. En dan kan ik er op rijden.

Nog wat dremelen, schuren en polijsten. De grove randjes zijn er nu wel af. Nu nog een beetje schuren en polijsten. Ik heb net wat klepslijppasta gekocht. Grof en fijn. Oorspronkelijk bedoeld om de kleppen van automotoren weer goed in hun zitting te slijpen. Maar wellicht ook geschikt om te schuren en te polijsten. Dat moet goed gaan met mijn Dremel. Daarmee kan ik alle poorten mooi glad maken. Als je het perfect wilt hebben, moet je daar een paar weken voor uittrekken. Tot slot kun je nog tekeer gaan met pearldrops op je electrische tandenborstel. Dat ga ik eerst eens uitproberen op mijn cilinderkop en zuiger. Die heb ik helemaal ontkoold met een staalborsteltje op mijn dremel. Dat ziet er al netjes glad uit. Even kijken wat slijppasta en tandpasta nog kunnen toevoegen.

Zoals eerder opgemerkt, dit is een project met twee fasen. Dit jaar wil ik mijn brommertje straatklaar maken. Dat is Fase-I. Daarna haal ik de brommer weer uit elkaar en dan begin ik aan Fase-II. De truuk is, om géén dure extra onderdelen te kopen.

  • Een toerenbegrenzer met afstandsbediening, voor als ik gepakt word. Kost twee tientjes. Dat is electronica. Hier moet ik mijn zwager voor inschakelen.
  • Minder squish (hogere compressie) met slijppasta en een glasplaat. Kost veel tijd, weinig geld. Dat kan ik zeker nog even doen in Fase-I.
  • Groter inlaatspruitstuk. Ook twee tientjes. Kan later, maar het is nu wel irritant; een 17 mm. carburateur op een 14 mm. inlaat.
  • Ketting en kettingwielen vervangen. Niet nodig. Kan later, iets groter of hetzelfde verzet. In de stad gaat de sprint vóór de topsnelheid.
  • Brandstof E98 met Castrol gemengd. Net als vroeger. Jerrycans kopen. Dit is pas nodig bij hoge compressie.
  • Afsluitbare tankdop. Nuttig maar nog niet nodig. Nice to have.
  • Hoger statonair toerental afstellen, zodat de richtingaanwijzers het doen bij het stoplicht. Zit deels ook al in Fase-I
  • ATF (Automatic Transmission Fluid) vervangen door het "geheime" mengsel. Twee x 0,5 liter olie bestellen. Kan ook in Fase-I
  • Koppelingsveren inkorten. Maar dat is een lastige klus. Komt later.
  • Koppelingschoenen schoonmaken en er sleuven inslijpen. Komt later.
  • Plastic kappen schuren, gronden en spuiten. Cosmetisch. Het begin is er al.

Zo, nu heb ik alles weer op een rijtje.

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